11 February 2012

Seasonal Colors

What is your favourite season? Each of the seasons have their own colours and it can be backbone of style to interiors.

Summer – fresh and bright as sun, more onto natural color (green grass, brown and blue sea) contrast to white sandy.

Winter – coldness can be tune with warm colour (orange, red and yellow!). To be in the safe side use violet purple and brown. I’m applying this to my current bedroom. Kindda relaxing.

Spring – is the most beautiful season and so ppl are waiting for their beautiful flower in the garden to bloom. It is full with kindness and positive energy. Remember to play around with natural colour but don’t overdo to keep its balance and harmony. Blue sky, fresh lily, clear grey, turquoise and green with lil bit bright colour on furniture or throwing pillow.  

Autumn – full with burnt orange, warm brown and chocolate. Not only that olive and cobalt blue can be use to add the comfortable feeling and lively atmosphere.

Qoute #1

" An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
- Benjamin Franklin

My life after 2 years working as Engineer

A lot of thing happen though out these two years!

Now i'm having my gold account, ASB without loan and i'm planning to buy my 1st car next month. The car loan is already approve...yeah

Hard work just been paid now. SWEET!

Sounds good but it comes with harshest and hardest part. hell yeah it was difficult.

I'm slowly climbing the ladder to the top. Owh please, hopefully everything run smoothly.

Guys if you have any information to share about steel structure or entrepreneurship please don't hesitate to email me.

10 February 2012

Benefits of Scalar Energy

Benefits of Scalar Energy

-          Eliminates the negative effects level of man-made frequencies (60 cps) in the body
-          Increases cell energy level to 70-90 Mv, relieves fatigue, tiredness and rigidity (you feel more energize)
-          Protects cellular DNA from damage by increasing energy of hydrogen bonds that hold DNA together
-          Facilitates nutrient absorption with improved cell wall permeability
-          Speeds up the body's detoxification process
-          Cleanses and improves blood profiles

A Practical Guide to The Benefits of Scalar Energy #3

Summary of a book by DR. John F. Demartini 

Chapter 9
Oxygen Therapy and Fusion Excel Scalar Energy

When looking at the makeup of the human cell, we realize that there are three major components, as found by Dr. Jennings research, on how cells die: 1. They are deprived of oxygen: 2. The cells are exposed to an electrical Shield: 3. They are dehydrated or lack nutrition.
In my office we use oxygen therapy with Scalar Energy, which is administered through an oxygen concentrator. The oxygen from the oxygen concentrator is applied to Scalar and then the oxygen is converted from the water dispenser, while the nitrogen is extracted out of the water and filtered out. The water is then clustered into smaller absorbable molecules and therefore improves the amount of oxygen within the system.