10 February 2012

A Practical Guide to The Benefits of Scalar Energy #3

Summary of a book by DR. John F. Demartini 

Chapter 9
Oxygen Therapy and Fusion Excel Scalar Energy

When looking at the makeup of the human cell, we realize that there are three major components, as found by Dr. Jennings research, on how cells die: 1. They are deprived of oxygen: 2. The cells are exposed to an electrical Shield: 3. They are dehydrated or lack nutrition.
In my office we use oxygen therapy with Scalar Energy, which is administered through an oxygen concentrator. The oxygen from the oxygen concentrator is applied to Scalar and then the oxygen is converted from the water dispenser, while the nitrogen is extracted out of the water and filtered out. The water is then clustered into smaller absorbable molecules and therefore improves the amount of oxygen within the system.

Oxygen is by far the largest source of all energy in the body. Cells use oxygen to convert glucose to ATP. Glucose is what is taken from the food we ingest and is broken down as a source of fuel as well. Nutrients that are absorbed into the body must be broken down and assimilated as well as eliminated.

Here are classic findings of what cells need and how important energy plays in keeping us alive.

1. Dr. Otto Warburg- Winner of the 1931 Nobel Prize for his studies in cell respiration. Dr. Warburg believed that there is a direct correlation between a person’s health and the level of oxygen in his or her bloodstream. To test his theory, he put rat cells in bell jars with both normal and 60% below normal oxygen levels. In the jars with lower oxygen levels, some cells weakened or died, while others mutated.
2. Dr. Harry Goldblatt- Studies at the Rockefeller Institute support the hypothesis that a lack of oxygen destroys cells. He duplicated Dr. Warburg’s experiment, except his findings indicated that under-oxygenated cells developed cancer.
3. Dr. Alexis Carrel- The two-time Nobel Prize winner for his work at the Rockefeller Institute, Dr. Carrel achieved startling results with chicken cells he kept alive in petri dishes, demonstrating his theory that cells will live forever, if they are given their basic needs, and if they are not poisoned by their own environment. This poison would be in the form of pollution, possibly he was thinking about electromagnetic frequency and radiation pollution.

A. The most common killer of cells is lack of oxygen.
B. The disturbance by an electrical field can also be detrimental to cells.
C. Physical trauma, emotional stress, and chemical exposure in cells will also kill them.
Scalar energy exposed to oxygen will not only energize, but will also change the oxygen structure by increasing the vibration of the electrons within oxygen and therefore increasing it’s charge.

Oxygen and scalar energy are equally beneficial for the well-being of your body’s cells and must be used to help improve the lives of millions, who suffer with health crisis and disease. Fusion excel has developed a fantastic product that will lead the wellness revolution into the 21st century.


The environment has come to the forefront as a major national and international concern. With the research from the Interphone Study, the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and the oil catastrophe, and the consecutive years of earthquakes, tsunamis, fires and droughts, people have become extremely concerned about earth’s warming and pollution. The phenomenon caused by excess carbon dioxide that is trapped by the ozone layer results in rising temperatures. They call this the global warming effect. Also included with all the pollution you see, smell, touch and even taste is the unseen, untouched, you cannot smell or feel it pollution: EMF and EMR.

Ultimately, we cannot destroy the external environment without destroying our own internal environment.

Fusion Excel and the Scalar Energy Pendant and Products are one of the keys to vital living.

Give me a lever long enough and a prop strong enough. I can single-handedly move the world.”


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