10 February 2012

A Practical Guide to The Benefits of Scalar Energy #2

Summary of a book by DR. John F. Demartini 

Chapter 5
Fusion Excel Products and Their Benefits

The Quantum Pendant works by radiating natural scalar energy, which enters the body of the wearer and is distributed to the areas in need of energy body balance.
The wearer also affects a field within approximately 10 feet from the pendant.

Scalar energy has definite positive effects on the body including

1. Increasing the energy level of every single cell in the body by facilitating the entry of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cells.
2. Converting the water in the body to become smaller molecules micro-clusters, which will have better dissolving, cleansing and healing powers.
3. Neutralizing the harmful effects of external electro-magnetic radiation.
4. Reducing inflammation.
5. Improving brain function by increasing mental focus, enhancing creativity and calming the mind. As well as balancing and stimulating brain waves.

The principle of Scalar Energy Technology is based on the fact that matter has its own atoms. These atoms have their own energy (wave) pattern and its vibrating manner. Our human body also has a similar energy pattern. Each cell of the body has its own vibration frequency and energy form. The tone and frequency of this product is at a ratio of 6:8. This is the natural frequency of healing in the human body. In the principle of Scalar Energy Technology, this energy from the human body is described as the third form of energy "Subtle Energy" instead of the usual electricity or magnetism.

Quantum Pendant can be used to protect you against harmful electromagnetic radiation and frequencies that can bombard the body 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Another unbelievable reaction with the Fusion Excel Scalar Energy Pendant was the improvement of sleep in many individuals. In most cases of sleep deprivation there may be anatomical and physiological problems, brain based message problems, chemical imbalances, chronic pain cycles, medication reactions and side effects. There are studies that have indicated on an Electroencephalogram that brain patterns can change, while using the Scalar energy pendant. This energy can alter the brain waves alpha, delta and beta, which can improve sleep patterns and allow deeper, restful sleep. This also will generate more energy upon arising from sleep, where the person feels more alive and energized when they awake from sleep.

Chapter 7
Water and Scalar Energy: Why is it important to you?
Dr. Masaru Emoto, and his studies of water and its contribution to life, you will be amazed and fascinated.

Scalar energy turns stagnant non-living water into living crystals with energy.

Water is unique because it has neutral qualities with a positive and negative charge. Water also keeps the body in balance by keeping the interstitial fluids in and around the cells, organs and
systems, by maintaining the pH level as a slightly alkaline base.

The human body requires around 2 1/2 liters of water, with hydrogen and oxygen, a day to keep itself healthy, half of this is taken as drinks and the other half as food.
This is a true testament of the influence of energy in our cells and around them. If you look back at the human body and the major component of it, you will see that it is water. The ratio of water in the human body begins with the fetus at 96%, the infant at 80%, an adult at 70%, seniors at 60% and a deceased at 50%.

When Scalar Energy is applied to cells within the body, they are not only more energized, but also could retain oxygen moreover to become less acidic, which can lead to further health problems.
The three major changes that contribute to an unhealthy cell, such as cancer or tumor developments are dehydration, acidity and a low Mv charge. These three major components of sickness can all be improved with Scalar Energy.

Reviewing again the studies done by hydro scientists, such as Dr. Masaru Emoto, states that water is alive and has memory. In his book “ Hidden Messages of Water”, he identified the healing properties of water when exposed to Scalar. Water can memorize and it also can transform itself when exposed to certain objects and properties. Taking care of your water source should be a top priority for your temple, the human body. Most of the world’s water problems are a result of not valuing the importance of water and acknowledging the power within it

Chapter 8
Practical uses of the fusion excel quantum product

Scalar has been known to help improve the immune system and help to hydrate the body.

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