By Bill Morgan
The greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world has happened over the last few decades and it has gone largely unnoticed because of the great secrecy with which it has been held by all who know of it. It is the discovery of a completely new kind of electomagnetic waves which exist only in the vacuum of empty space, the empty space between the atoms of our bodies as well as the empty space we see in sky at night. All of empty space.
These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy, and it has now been discovered that this abundant energy can be coaxed to pour into our 3-dimensional world from their 4-dimensional realm, to be used to do work, provide electricity, power all transport, and even heal the body of almost all disease. This is the new world of scalar electromagnetics, the zero-point energy, the energy of the absolute nothingness which existed before the world began.
To understand the incredible implications of this phenomenal discovery is to realize that a completely New World is possible for mankind, a future never before dreamed possible. It could be a world of abundance everywhere, of endless free energy, pollution-free, and a world of cheap universal healthcare, in which actual healing takes place instead of mere treatment, and for most ailments, without the load of chemicals of the pharmaceutical industry. It could be a world in which a huge portion of this world's massive suffering could be relieved.
These new waves of energy are called "longitudinal" EM (electromagnetism) to distinguish them from "transverse" EM, the kind we are familiar with in our daily life, which power our cell phones and pagers, television and radio broadcasts, microwave ovens, and so on. Rather than modulating in 3-dimensions they are modulating in the direction they are going, accordian-like, that is, along the axis of time, the 4th dimension. What this means is still a mystery to me, but one important facet of this new discovery in the new field of "scalar electromagnetics" is the discovery that time itself is compressed energy, compressed by the factor of the speed-of-light-squared. Does that sound familiar? It brings to mind Einstein's E = mc2. Matter itself is also compressed energy, and compressed by the same factor as scalar energy is compressed in time. So the discovery of scalar electromagnetics is that we can tap and use the immense energy existing in the ocean of time.
Through scalar electromagnetics it will become possible to engineer physical reality directly, even to engineering at the molecular level, creating new "impossible" molecules and even transmuting elements. It will be possible to make radioactive waste non-radioactive. This new science will unlock the secret of gravity, and thereby the secret of anti-gravity allowing us to manufacture our own "UFOs." It will allow the cure of cancer and Aids. I guess if I had to name the four most important implications of the discovery of longitudinal waves it would be these:
1. The solutions to the energy crisis and the "oil problem" are in hand. These oil-wars are completely unnecessary. There is endless energy available freely from the domain of time.
2. Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operating in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and mind-boggling.
3. The cure of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, in fact nearly any disease, has become possible within a few years of sufficient funding. Everyone can be made healthy and stay healthy.
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